Learn English in the USA

Our Mission

Agape English Language Institute for Internationals is dedicated to providing high-quality English language instruction at an affordable cost and in a friendly, supportive atmosphere.


Paulina ~ Chile

By studying English at Agape, I got the opportunity to get some american culture, meet fabulous people and have lots of fun while learning the language. It is a really good school, I totally recommend it!

Paulina ~ Chile

Dennis ~ Taiwan

A chance to offer me a nice place and a friendly study environment. Efficient study method from teachers and passion from students. You wouldn’t like to miss this best opportunity ever. Welcome join Agape family.

Dennis ~ Taiwan

Rodrigo ~ Brazil

For sure Agape is the best English school ever, when I came to the US, I barely speak English, and now I am studying at a College at Tennessee. One of my dreams is happening because Agape gave us this opportunity to learn and make friends from all over the world. Thank all of you for helping me to achieve my goal, and also I participated of the first Agape’s soccer team.

Rodrigo ~ Brazil

Haiyan Du ~ China

Students are from all over world: South America, Asia, Middle East, Russia, Europe, and Africa. It is very friendly learning environment. Teachers are really good. One to one conversation is helpful. There are trips to New York, fun park, museum, restaurants, it is a lot of fun.

Haiyan Du ~ China

Uyen ~ Vietnam

I just want to say that Agape not just a place for me to study English but it makes me feel like a big family. I feel very comfortable at school because of friendly good friends and teachers. All I want to say is thank you for Agape for everything. Welcome to Agape.

Uyen ~ Vietnam

Sam ~ Venezuela

Agape is such a great place not only to learn but also to live a great international experience. The teachers and classmates are a family which taught me many good things. If you are thinking where to study English then Agape is the place.

Sam – Venezuela

Daniela ~ Brazil

Agape gave me a great experience in USA. I just wanted to study English, but I had opportunity to know wonderful people and very good teachers. I recommend Agape.

Daniela ~ Brazil

Teresa ~ Spain

My experience at Agape was amazing! The teachers are wonderful people, very prepared and professional. They are also very good friends and they are always trying to help international students. Studying at Agape was an unforgettable experience, and the best way to improve my English and get to know different cultures and people. I won’t ever forget all the adventures and moments we had at Agape.

Teresa ~ Spain